5 Reasons to Store Privately Store Your Classic Car

1) Leaving Home For An Extended Period Of Time

Many careers and lifestyles require classic car owners to leave home for extended periods of time. It could be a temporary relocation due to long vacations, hospital stays or emergency travel, or longer periods for work / study and military deployments. Regardless of the reason, an empty house with a classic car in the driveway could be tempting to thieves and vandals.

Also, cars are exposed to potential damage by neighborhood kids, deliveries and weather-related issues such as rain, snow, leaves and falling trees. Placing your car in short- or long-term private storage will eliminate this risk.

2) You Own Several Cars – Including A Classic Car

Classic cars have specific storage requirements compared to everyday cars. Most owners look at classic cars as investments and prioritize their storage, safety and care over the household cars. If you own multiple vehicles at one address, chances are you won’t have enough space to properly store your classic car AND household cars. If this is you, storing your classic car at a private, renown, inside facility might be the best option. It’s cost-effective, secure and safe.

3) Winter Storage

Your classic car might be unsuitable for winter conditions such as strong winds, heavy snowfall and snow plows. Keeping the household car outside while keeping the less-used classic car inside could create unfavorable family dynamics. Also, garage storage without climate control and radiant heat can create temperature / humidity fluctuations, which can cause exterior and interior car damage.

Why not store your treasured classic car at a private storage facility? In the event of an occasional unseasonable sunny day, you can swap out the household car for day and do some winter cruising – knowing that your toy car is in great hands in hibernation at the car storage facility.

4) Free Up Storage Space

As family needs change, having a less-frequently driven classic car taking up year-round, vital garage space does not make much sense. This could make finding spots for the extra freezer, lawn mower, snow blower and kids’ bikes challenging. Consider storing your classic car at a private facility. Your car remains safe and secure, and family harmony will stay intact.

5) Peace Of Mind

In your heart, you may feel that home storage of your classic car is the most logistical and cost-effective option. In reality, however, it’s not that simple. Unless you are a meteorologist, it will be difficult to prevent moisture damage 24/7. With home storage, your car will be less secure when you are on vacation or out of town. Home storage is less likely to keep other cars, kids, the mailman and extreme weather conditions from damaging your car. And finally, private storage venues accept most insurance policies and offer the best value in protecting your classic car 365 days a year.